Importance of Search Engine Optimization

 Importance of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 

Search Engine Optimization Techniques

Search Engine Optimization

Lets Understand SEO

Well before we jump into why you should optimize your search engine, let us take a moment to understand what search engine optimization actually is. 

If you’re reading this, it’s probably because you have a website of your own, but you don’t get a lot of traffic on it, and you want to increase it.  

Search Engine Optimization,seo,digital marketing
Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization by definition is the process of increasing the visibility of your site to relevant searches. So, the next question that arises is, well, how does SEO work? 

Importance of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 

Google is one of the largest search engines, and it brings up pages and websites with the help of bots. These bots go to lots of sites, collecting information and putting these pages in an index. Algorithms which are in place then analyze the pages in the created index and on the basis of a lot of ‘signals’ or ‘ranking factors’ decide the order in which the pages show up on our screens.  


So, what is a signal/ranking factor? 

Importance of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 

When you search for something, obviously you’re looking for something related to what you’ve typed in. 

There are several factors that come into play, but if we delve into them right now, you would probably leave because its tons of information which can be rather boring, so let's not get into that right now. Its important to know that there are several factors that determine the visibility of your page and we’re just going to look at a few below. Keyword research is one such ‘signal’ that determines the visibility of your page. But this doesn’t mean you have a keyword in your page but nothing relevant to it and hope that it pops up on search engines. The quality of the content present in the page matters as well, its defined as an ‘architectural’ factor. The better the quality of your content, the higher the chances of your page being brought up! 

rank,seo ranking
Seo Ranking

Importance of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 

The algorithms that are used in searches are designed to lead to surface relevant, authoritative pages to provide the user with an efficient search experience, because, after all, if your search experience isn’t smooth, you’re unlikely to stick with the same search engine. Optimizing your content with these in mind can significantly improve your rank in the search results. 

Now if you’re someone who has a page that sells a product or provides a service, read on! 

In recent times, the internet has played a massive role in our daily lives, when we want to know something, we google it, when we want to buy something, we take a look at it on the web. So as a manufacturer or a provider, your aim has to be on bringing your page in front of a lot of people, because, the more the people that view, the higher the chances of finding a potential customer. Digital marketing is your first step towards going big. With your page all over the internet, you’re bound to get the attention you deserve. So, how do you do it? Simple! The answer is SEO. SEO will enhance the chances of increasing your page’s visibility to people with relevant searches. 


So now that you know the importance of SEO and how it can significantly expand your business, what are you waiting for?!

Importance of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 

Digital Marketing,marketing

Want to get SEO done for your company and products? Reach The Impact Booth, a marketing and advertising company on

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